Sunday, May 18, 2014

Mostly Plants

I've been reading a fabulous book.  It's an easy read and it's to the point. It's called Food Rules. It's written by the well known author of other healthy eating books, Michael Pollan. 

He's the man whos is credited with the vegan motto, "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." It's short and sweet and spot on, I believe. When Michael says to "eat food," he means REAL food. Not fake, processed, factory products that claim to be food. 

Inspired by the book, and the need to feel good about ourselves and what we put in our bodies, my husband and I stopped at Whole Foods for a snack as we were out running errands. We got sucked in!  We spent an hour and a half going aisle by a aisle and reading ingredients. We followed Mr. Pollan's rule about ingredient labels. If we didn't know how to pronounce an ingredient, we didn't buy it. Simple as that!  It cost a lot to eat healthy, but we feel so much better that it's worth it!  

We shared a small plate of tofu, quina salad and lentils from the Whole Foods buffet. Fantastic!  Then we finished off our meal with mango slices. Mmmmmm. 

Here's the dinner we prepared later that day.