Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Super Healthy Stir-Fry

I'm still here and still vegan!  At least 90% of the time. It's hard to ignore tasty temptations in the form of pizza bites and queso!  But every time I slip up and choose taste over content, I pay for it. It's like that hangover in college when you wake up swearing you'll never do it again!  
So, we finally have had some ice days here in Texas!  I have had time to cook and now blog. ;)

Lunch today:

My super healthy version of stir fry. 

Red peppers
Red quinoa

I cooked the quinoa as directed. 
I sautéed the veggies and tofu in a mixture is soy sauce and Worcestershire sauce. 
Mixed and ate!
Warm and satisfying!

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