Sunday, July 2, 2017

Still Here... Still Vegan!

I have not had time to post in like, forever, but I'm still going strong!  I started my masters degree shortly after my last post, so that just about catches you up on me!  Work, family, masters = my life. Do I have some of my grandma's chicken salad every once in a while, yes.  Do I snag a bite of my son's scrambled eggs once a month?  Maybe.  ;)  But I still believe that vegan is the way to go!  I haven't had a steak in about 5 years!  I was raised a cow milk drinking, steak, beef burger and taco eater!  Now all of those things disgust me!!  Sometimes Jack in the Box tacos get me, but is there really even meat in those crispy, greasy, fat pockets?!  ;)  I'm human... I mess up every once in awhile. ;)
Overall, I think we need to cut out the processed "foods," and eat whole, real, straight from the Earth foods!  Here are some pictures of foods I've been enjoying over the past... forever!  ;)

Zucchini brownies...

Italian stuffed mushrooms...

Chickpeas, quinoa, edamame, & a touch of broccoli...

and this one I call, "Because My Son Doesn't Care if I Want to Wear a Swimsuit or Not"
Sprouted toast, avocado, tomato, black pepper, and a banana, spinach, kale, apple smoothie!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Go back? No way!

I just read an article, or the majority of an article, about a former vegetarian who now raises and slaughters animals for meat. I can't imagine un-knowing what I know now about what meat does our bodies. How do you see the light and then turn away?  Now that I look at eating meat and the slaughter of animals the way I do, I cannot go back. It absolutely grosses me out.  At least this man has the guts, pun un-intended, to understand the process. Most people don't want to know or care how their meat-heavy dinner reaches their plate.  I think that if you're going to eat it, you should have to watch the process of raising, killing, cutting, and cleaning it all. If you still want your meat, that's your call.  I want more people to make self educated decisions and not sheepishly eat what decades of commercialism tells us too. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Super Healthy Stir-Fry

I'm still here and still vegan!  At least 90% of the time. It's hard to ignore tasty temptations in the form of pizza bites and queso!  But every time I slip up and choose taste over content, I pay for it. It's like that hangover in college when you wake up swearing you'll never do it again!  
So, we finally have had some ice days here in Texas!  I have had time to cook and now blog. ;)

Lunch today:

My super healthy version of stir fry. 

Red peppers
Red quinoa

I cooked the quinoa as directed. 
I sautéed the veggies and tofu in a mixture is soy sauce and Worcestershire sauce. 
Mixed and ate!
Warm and satisfying!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014