Sunday, April 28, 2013

Stir-fry dinner

Brown rice

Homemade Freebirds!

My husband and I absolutely love Freebirds. It's a great place to eat vegan and eat a lot!! We decided to make our own burritos at home. They were amazing!!!
We used...
Wheat tortillas
Brown rice seasoned with cayenne pepper
Peppers and onions
Black beans
Green Tabasco sauce

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

OMG Ice Cream!

This ice cream is absolutely amazing! Who needs dairy ice cream when you can buy this!? Kroger healthy/organic section rocks.
My son loves the cookies and cream kind, but it's made with coconut milk and has a strong coconut taste that's not my favorite. But it's a kid pleaser!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Weekday Lunch

I need easy to pack and eat lunches to take with me to school. Here's an example of one day's lunch. I also bring many things I can snack on as I get hungry throughout the day so I don't get weak and make bad choices!!!! ;)

Lunch contents: hummus, blueberries, carrot sticks, cucumbers, green and re peppers, pretzel crisps, almond milk- chocolate flavor, to cover my sweet craving, and fruit juice. I often bring the frozen and microwaveable single servings of edemame, too! Yum!

After a lunch like this I feel light and not tired like most heavy meals.

Must Read: The China Study

The reasons to choose a vegan diet are so varied and obvious... at least now that my husband and I have spent time researching and honestly reflecting on the food we eat. This book, The China Study, is the scientific answer to all doubters answers. Dr. Campbell goes into great detail about how cancerous cells grow. He explains the research behind the conclusion that a high protein animal based diet can be a catalyst to cancerous cell growth while a plant based diet can prevent and even slow down or allow reversal of cancerous cells!!! If there's anything I can do to prevent cancer for myself or my family, I'm going to do it! How deep the regret would be if I didn't at least ponder these possibilities when choosing the food I feed my family. What if??? There are many other life threatening and life changing diseases that Dr. Campbell will discuss as preventable by choosing a plant based diet. This books will convince you to adamantly choose healthy foods and it'll give you the answers and statistics needed when sharing your vegan choice with others. Happy reading!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Vegan Ribs!

These meatless and dairy-free ribs are amazing!! We are having these for dinner with steamed broccoli and ranch style beans! (Watch out for animal fat in beans!)