Sunday, March 24, 2013

A crunchy snacky find!

My husband and I suffer from a need for crunchy and salty foods. It's often our downfall. We found these yummy treats in the organic section of Kroger. Kroger has been good to us as far as healthier and organic options go.
Check these out.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Vegan Society - Great Resource

Why Vegan?

Do you have to choose between a healthy, fun, modern lifestyle and a fair, sustainable, compassionate lifestyle? No, you can have it all!  Have a look at the Vegan Society's film, 'Making the Connection', to explore the reasons why people choose to become and stay vegan.  

What is a vegan?

A vegan is someone who tries to live without exploiting animals, for the benefit of animals, people and the planet. Vegans eat a plant-based diet, with nothing coming from animals - no meat, milk, eggs or honey, for example. A vegan lifestyle also avoids leather, wool, silk and other animal products for clothing or any other purpose.

Some of the main reasons for choosing a vegan lifestyle

It’s a healthy choice

A balanced vegan diet (also referred to as a ‘plant-based diet’) meets many current healthy eating recommendations such as eating more fruit, vegetables and wholegrains and consuming less cholesterol and saturated fat. Balanced vegan diets are often rich in vitamins, antioxidants and fibre and can decrease the chances of suffering from diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke and some cancers. Well-planned plant-based diets are suitable for all age groups and stages of life.

There are many more reasons listed on the website.  You can also join the vegan society, donate, shop, and learn.  Check it out.  

Veggie Sub

When I'm out and about or road trippin' and evil fast food temptations are everywhere, I turn to Subway. I kick the meat and cheese and ask for all the veggies! Even the pickles and jalepenos. It makes for a delicious and satisfying sandwich! And I feel better than usual after restaurant lunches, because I ate lighter and healthier. But, it keeps me full for hours!

Well, as a teacher, I don't get to eat a lot of food from the outside world. ;). You either bring your lunch or buy the yuck from the cafeteria that passes for nutrition for kids! Ah! That's a different discussion and post to come. ;)

Anyway, I wanted the satisfied feeling i get from Subway at school, so I decided to make my own veggie subs! They turned out amazing. Wrap them up well and they travel in my insulated lunchbox perfectly!

My sandwich fixin's include...
spinach leaves and any other green leaf I have available
red and green pepper slices


Meatless Meatball Subs

I have three growing boys and a busy schedule. I need quick and kid-pleasing meals! This is a quick go-to that always satisfies!

I used wheat sub bread I found at Kroger.  I carefully read the ingredients for milk and eggs.  All clear! I used marinera sauce.  Again, I carefully scanned the ingredients for milk, eggs, and too much sugar content.  The meatless meatless meatballs have changed our lives, or at least the lives of our pasta dishes.  Now, if they look and taste too good to be vegan, well that's because they aren't 100 % vegan.  They contain egg whites.  :(  Booooooo!  I know.  Why am I even teasing you with this?  Well, part of becoming vegan is finding substitutions for previously meat-heavy meals.  This is one way to break the habit of using meat, while still making delicious and satisfying meals.

The vegan mozzarella cheese came from Trader Joe's.  I love a trip to Trader Joe's!  Find one near you.

I toast the subs in the oven a little, and I use the middle part that I cut to make garlic bread sticks.  A winning touch with my boys!

In Honor of National Meatball Day

In Honor of National Meatball Day… A Veggie Patch Giveaway!

I just missed missed national meatball day, but this is the very best meatball I have ever had!  Even better than meatballs made of animal meat!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

My Favorite Vegan Dinner!

I LOVE Mexican food!!! It's an obsession that goes back to my childhood. ;) I'd eat it every night! This is one of my very favorite meals that I have turned vegan. Veggie fajita burritos

Black refried beans
Whole wheat tortillas
Salsa/Hot sauce
Peppers and onions

So easy and satisfying!


It takes a lot longer to shop when trying to be healthy. Reading all the labels to check for milk or eggs can be time consuming. But, eating healthy foods feels so good that it's worth the extra time and effort!

Here's a picture of my shopping cart from yesterday's healthy trip to Kroger!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tonight's Vegan Meal

Being off for spring break gives me time to focus on being a good mom and wife.  Tonight, I wanted to come up with something new to cook for dinner.  We get in such a rut eating the same meals we know are good and healthy during the regular work week.  I decided to actually try one of the million meals I have pinned.

Click on the images below and you will go to my pin board.  Click the image again and you'll go to the recipe.

The main dish was meatless meat loaf.  It doesn't look nearly as good here as it was in person.

On the side, we had mashed cauliflower & green beans.

The recipe says "twice baked" and that it should be broiled, but I didn't do that extra step, and it was still amazing! I am shocked that cauliflower tastes so good!

All in all, it was a very successful vegan dinner!  I'd gladly eat it again.  Great combination of foods.

My Day Eating Vegan

Yesterday was my first day off for spring break! Hallelujah! I slept in big time... 7:30! ;) Then worked out while I finished reading a book and watched the news. (You know you're busy when watching the news is a rare luxury.) I ate Special K Red Berries with Almond milk for breakfast.

After a mild but uplifting workout, I finished the laundry and did the dishes.  What is it about finishing these little house maintenance things that make me feel accomplished!  ;)

Before heading out to run errands and check off my many "free-time to-do's" I had a lunch date with Pinterest while I ate a veggie burger with avocado and veggie cheese.  I eat my burgers on sandwhich thins, because it's delicious and cuts the carbs and calories a lot!  


Check the label on the veggie burgers you buy, because they're not all vegan.  Many brands are made with dairy and/or eggs.

To wash it all down I had water with fresh squeezed lemon.  If you haven't learned the benefits of fresh lemon juice, please google it!

10 Reasons Why You Should Drink Lemon Water in the Morning

I snacked on a banana as I left Target.

When I got home carrying many shopping bags, I snacked on left over vegan chicken salad with Ritz crackers! Yum!

For dinner, I cooked up some frozen peppers and onions and warmed black refried beans. Artisan multigrain tortillas and guacamole made a fabulous combo for vegan fajitas! I topped them off with Fuzzy's brand taco sauce! YUMMY!!!!

Today, I started my day with cheerios and a banana, followed by a brief workout.  I have lunch plans for Panera where I will carefully choose a vegan-friendly salad.  Tonight for dinner... hmmm... I'm thinking vegan enchiladas!  We'll see!

I don't always post my daily food log, but when I do, I post vegan!

Stay healthy my friends.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Dangers of Soy?

We all need to do our research and make the best decision we can, but please, please, make an educated decision about what you put in your body. I've heard many times that I need to research the dangers of eating too much soy. Now that I'm not eating meat, soy is the natural crutch to turn to. Well, in my quest to try to eat mostly healthy foods, too much soy is a real worry for me as well. I'd hate to trade one evil, meat, for another evil, too much soy. I think the true answer is balance, healthy choices, and mostly fruits and vegetables grown organically.

Click on the image below, and then again, to read an article about the dangers of soy.

Wondering About a Vegan Diet?

Source: via Dorothea on Pinterest

Collection of Websites

Food/Vegan Diet and Weight Loss / Food in Sara Hartsfield (sarahartsfield)

Ellen on Becoming Vegan

Ellen Degeneres was interviewed by Katie Couric about why she became a vegan.

Go here to watch Earthlings, free, online.

I completely agree with Ellen that we have a disconnect from what we eat, and where the food comes from, and how it gets to us.

I also highly recommend reading Skinny Bitch. It's a funny, easy read.

Watch Food, Inc.

Watch Food, Inc. Trailer on PBS. See more from POV.

Not a nugget.

I used to laugh when I'd see these bumper stickers.  I use to make fun of these hippies with their VW bugs.
Now... I get it.

Top 10 Reasons to Ditch Meat & Dairy

These ARE in a certain order based on my opinions formed from the research I have done about food and people.  I'm doing this "Letterman" style.

10. I feel more peaceful and calm eating healthy foods.
9.  Save the environment.  Research shows animal raising and slaughtering and distributing hurts our environment.  Plants help it!
8.  Lose weight and feel better about your body!  I lost 5 pounds, no sweat, and have kept it off without any work.
7.  What if all the hippie doctors are right!?
6.  It's cool.  It's the hip new thing that "enlightened" people are doing.  Join the club!
5.  What would Jesus do?  Biblically speaking, Adam and Eve were given a garden... not a meat farm.  Think about it...
4.  Because really, eating dead animal carcass!?  Have you seen what you're eating come right off the animal!?  GAG!
3.  Save Bambi & Babe from torturous lives and cruel deaths.
2.  Prevent cancer and diseases.  Get off your meds!
1.  Take the best care of yourself that you can.  This is the only body you get.  The only life you get.  Make the best of it!  No regrets!  (Don't we often regret eating that cheesecake, that whole pizza, that double cheeseburger and shake??)

Now that you've read my list, check out PETA's list.

Food Sympathy

I am always amused when I'm eating with others, non-vegans, and they make "sounds of sympathy,"while I eat: "ohhhh, awwww, I'm sorry."  When we're eating pizza, queso, or burgers, and I say, "Oh, not for me," they respond with sympathy:  "Oh, so you can't have this?"  Ha!  Can't?!?!  I CHOOSE not to have that stuff!  :)  That's what I respond with.  I tell them, "I CAN have it, but I choose not to."

Vegan Chicken Salad

My husband and I love chicken salad, but there are a few essential ingredients that are strictly forbidden in my vegan diet.  Again, I CHOOSE this diet, so don't feel bad for me.  ;)

Here are the ingredients I use to make my vegan chicken salad:
Dairy-free & egg-free mayonnaise
Almonds - walnuts are also delicious
Vegan sour cream - Tofutti
Seetan (meat alternative) - I get mine at Kroger and stock up when they're on sale & freeze them.

I use my handy manual food processor to chop up the Seitan strips.

I combined some mayo and a little sour cream (2 parts mayo & 1 part sour cream) with craisins, chopped celery, chopped almonds, pepper to taste, and then stir in the seitan crumbles.  I let it chill in the fridge before eating out of personal preference for cold chicken salad.

So, what do you eat?

I get asked that question all the time! From people who are interested in the vegan diet, and people who are skeptical alike.  The poster below is hard to read, but you can make out what most of the words say.  I don't eat everything on this list, because I'm always trying to eat more raw, natural foods.  I'm trying to stay away from processed and sugary foods.  Overall health is my goal!

Bug and Animal-Free Food Products You May Already Have at Home {click below}

How do you get protein?!

Yep, a vegetarians favorite question. ;) I got that question this weekend when my family went out to eat with two of my good friends whom we don't get to see very often. We went to a burger place, so of course the meat and food discussion came up often. I was surprised that the restaurant, although very hip and trendy and modern, did not have a meatless burger alternative. Non-vegetarians seem to be satisfied when you tell you eat beans. But really, from the research I've done, vegetables have tons of protein! So, when you get asked about your protein intake, inform them that your diet of vegetables takes good care of your protein levels.

Veganville SNL skit

Justin Timberlake hosted SNL last night for the 5th time.  In my opinion he's the best host ever!   He nails his skits.  He's got the moves and the timing and the singing voice.  I love his skits where he changes words to popular songs.  Check out the one from last night.  He's trying to advertise for a meatless restaurant while the other guy is trying to sell meat and sausage.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

How dare you!

WARNING!!! The video below if VERY graphic! I couldn't watch a complete minute of it. I believe, that if you want to eat meat, you should have to watch the horrific death of your food, before you can eat it. HOW DARE YOU EAT ANOTHER BURGER OR STEAK WITHOUT THINKING ABOUT WHERE THE MEAT IS COMING FROM.

I have warned you.  Watch at your own risk!

Get Vegucated

Spend the next hour of your life watching this video.  It nicely sums up many reasons to become vegan.

V e g u c a t e d 2 0 1 0 from Gigi Kent on Vimeo.

Hello, I'm Vegan

I am now, but this is a recent development...
I grew up in Texas drinking milk like it was water, and loving meat and cheese!!  The ultimate queso with meet included was my favorite meal!  Yes, meal!  Then, shortly before my 30th birthday, tear, I stumbled upon the Forks Over Knives documentary.  I watched this movie with my jaw on the floor!  I couldn't believe what these people, these doctors, were saying about food and our bodies.  I just kept thinking that we, Americans, are just plain killing ourselves, and WHY?!  so that dairy and meat farmers can make more money!!!  So McDonald's franchise owners can make money!

It's disgusting!

Money is king!